1st & 2nd Eid Days

Finally Eid came after all the thrill and excitement from the neighboring kids. Half of the first day went in looking after the meat, its clean up and sharing. The clean up part at our house is the most exhaustive. Being the cleaning fanatics we invested more than half of our day in this grueling activity. Moreover, there was obsession to get everything done in one day. Yet I feel all is well that ends well.

The next day was kept for meeting and for receiving and making calls to the dear ones who lived in the far regions.

For sometime now I have been keen on sharing my love story; yes my love story. Well it began few months ago when one fine early morning I went in our terrace to get life energy for my bones via sun.

There he was, sitting and as I saw him he immediately came and sat right next to me. We both looked at each other, for few moments I was confused and shy by his presence so close. I asked myself what is he doing here, how could he have this courage. Though I showed my timidity but he refused to leave. Even the presence of my mother was not enough to frighten him and make him fly away. Yes fly him off because that’s what he can do, he has wings and he can go anywhere from sitting at my terrace to moving back to his home on the tree nearby. Ladies & Gentlemen I present to you my ardent admirer, Mr. Crow.

Since then we have developed mutual fondness for each other. As I have to regularly sit in the sun so my calcium could be absorbed he always come and sit with me. If I do not acknowledge his presence or forget to see him, then he would go on and on making sounds until I look at him. Two weeks ago, while I was there another crow came and sat at his favorite place the lantern in our balcony. My goodness, he started to make loud noises and till he made his enemy fly away he did not sat still.

He is especially annoyed when my cousins come during his visit but he is comfortable with Amma.  This one day when Adeel who is a fan of action films and being the youngest he has certain privileges, so he jokingly held my hand as he was trying to break it. Mr. Crow was there and he just started shouting at the top of his lungs and until Adeel left his vicinity he would not stop. To Mr. Crow the mother is fine but my brothers are not his favorites.

How wonderful it is to experience this phenomenal relationship between a human and a bird!  Without being my captive it feels affection and concern for me.

Amazing love stories, hun…

I just want to share his pictures with you. So here he is, in different styles..

Sonya. (Day 236)


Star said…
I hope this Mr. Crow does't attack on you......?
Sonya Syed said…
Thankfully he hasn't attacked me but sometimes I worry about his getting too affectionate..

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