Finding passion

Sundays are mostly dull for me and today hasn’t been any different but I had something to ponder.

For some peculiar reason since few days whenever I switch on my TV I happen to see the repeat telecast of an interview of a gentleman called Asad Umar, who is the president and chief executive officer at Engro Corporation Ltd. Although I have never seen his complete interview but whatever bits I have seen it either points me to some new direction or make me ask myself some serious questions.

For instance in the segment I saw today the host asked him, "how does he recognizes passion in people whom he select for jobs." He said, to know about someone just ask them what are your dreams and aspirations. He said that the person who is passionately driven would always speak enthusiastically about how he can contribute and do his best for his company, moreover for his country. On the other hand an ordinary mortal would always say what he wants for himself; that is to have luxury cars, lot of homes, many wives and so on.

I don’t know but I became uneasy after hearing this and tried my best to ignore what he said. Yet with all my best efforts I can’t stop thinking about it. I never thought about contributing for my country or making a difference to the lives of masses. I asked myself what do I actually want to achieve by being a successful lawyer and the answer that came put me in the category of an ordinary mortal.

Then I saw a brief interview of Caroline Mutoko on CNN. Caroline is a radio presenter with Nairobi's Kiss FM radio station, she presents the early morning program "The Big Breakfast". And oh my God, this lady fits the profile of a passionate person. She is strong, driven, very successful and the magnificence of her success is not limited to herself but it is affecting the lives many many people. 

One of her callers makes a call on live Radio to ask as to when a certain manhole on a certain road will be repaired; and right there Caroline makes a live call on Radio to the concerned Ministry to get an answer. The ministry not only attends her call but also give a satisfactory reply; and this is the power of Caroline Mutoko.

When she went on to collect charity funds through a dinner, she participated in the decorations and even tasted the quality of soup to be served for dinner in order to see personally that its all perfect. At the event instead of achieving her target $ Five millions she raised $ 6.2 millions. She said “if I don’t feel passionate about something, then I don't do it”.   

In contrast I want to work and succeed as a lawyer to give my family a comfortable lifestyle, to be able to go on family vacations, to buy some luxury items for myself, to do some savings and make profitable investments. Of course this includes doing the requisite charity work and most definitely to improve the quality of life of the people who are in my contact.

Or what I am actually saying is, to me my work is a means to an end… 
(This means that when you are doing something (work or any activity) it is not as important to you as what you hope to achieve by doing it (money). You don’t really enjoy the job in itself but it is just something you do to earn money).

Oh Goodness! This is an epiphany. A Divine revelation that all this time I have made my career a means to an end, so rather than enjoying every bit of it in the present moment I am focused in the future. 

With all that I say about living in the Now, how can I be so stupid? Of course money is significant but when you reduce anything as a means to achieve material things in the future, you reduce the sanctity of the work you do in the present moment.

What Asad Umar and Caroline Mutoko have and I lack is our motivating force. I don’t feel as enthusiastic as they feel. They are driven by the joy of their work everyday and I am driven by purely material objectives. I forgot my own lesson that like attracts like. If I feel truly joyous in doing something I will attract more joy and money will follow.

That’s why I was seeing Asad Umar’s interview because God was trying to tell me something, He was trying to give me the message.

At this point I am not sure what action I need to take but becoming intensely aware of this situation was crucial. I’m too astounded to say any more.. So I take your leave.

Good Night!

Sonya. (Day 297)


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