Postponement and Anniversary

You decide and plan to do something and then at the eleventh hour you have to suddenly stop. It is more like when you are driving at a high speed, unaware of the newly made speed-breaker, and as you see it you apply emergency brakes. Nothing much happens except that your flow, your speed is broken which is of course a cause of some irritability. 

This has been more or less my situation today, I had a meeting late in the afternoon and it was postponed at the last minute. It was a bit frustrating because I canceled everything for it, yet I decided that I shall not let this negativity get into my way.

Every morning as soon as I wake up I make a to-do-list in my mind; as I go through each thing in the list I say Thank You in advance for everything. I thank God in such a way as if I am writing this list at the end of the day when everything went perfectly. Like I say, thank you God for a perfect exercise session and so on.

With all this in mind I just couldn’t allow this postponement to spoil my beautiful day so I went on thanking and thanking. I knew that my Gratitude always work and something positive is definitely coming my way. Then I received a text message from a friend of mine which was actually an invitation to attend 16th Anniversary of Pakistan Tehreek-e-Insaaf (PTI) in the evening. There it was, God accepted my Thanks gave me something else to remain in the Gratitude frequency.

I must say that my evening went beautifully. It was a small gathering held at the residence of some member of the party and they definitely did justice with the event by creating the perfect ambiance. There was brief speech, some question-answer session with the press followed by the cake-cutting ceremony. I also met so many of my acquaintances; we laughed and cherished the evolution of PTI.

My younger cousin, who for the first time ever in his 20 year old life attended a somewhat political event, enjoyed it thoroughly. He asked me if I have become a political person to which I replied in negative. I don’t want to label myself but for everybody who was there more than having any political affiliations we all had the same goal; the dream to see a prosperous, peaceful and safe Pakistan.

Pakistan Zindabad!

Sonya (Day 294).


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