Action and reaction

This is what happens when one is inspired, there are days when I want to express but cannot articulate effectively and then there times when I could go on writing and sharing. I guess rain has casted its spell on me.  

Today I have been remembering my academic life, my teachers, facilities I received throughout my education. I remembered in gratitude my teachers their academic teachings and life lessons. In the midst of all this, the most prominent memory was of my Botany Professor Sir Abbasi’s words, when once during our tuition my class-mate who topped in Matriculation said, “We should always compete because competition is the only way to succeed in this world”.

Sir Abbasi with all his affection replied to her that, “a successful person is not the one who compete with others but he is the one who competes with himself”. He said, “Competition is pure jealousy; thus when you say you are competing, you are actually jealous of other person’s success. Competition with others will only make you bitter and stressed but when you compete with yourself then only you could truly succeed.”

The only person you should defeat in the competition is yourself, you should promise yourself to give your best in every attempt and break your own records.

I have tried this formula on an off in my life and it has always given me positive results. However, we do get temptations to compete every now and then and mostly unknowingly. We unconsciously try to outdo others and in this we compete with our family members, our neighbours, our friends, our colleagues and so on. 

Our target with whom we compete also suffers from the same ailment when he/she competes back; thus a vicious cycle begins. I buy a Samsung tablet and you come up with the latest I-phone so I decide to get something more in the value.

There is also the feeling of not having enough, the lack so we go further to fill that void. Hence, whatever we do we fill that void only for few days and then we need more. 

Probably what we really want is appreciation and to get it we go to great lengths. Yet appreciation cannot come to us until we give it to others. Sir Isaac Newton, the great Physicist, discovered this secret hundred of years ago when he said “to every action there is always an equal and opposite reaction”.

This principle is not limited to some Physics subject in our schools but it is the definite law of the Nature. You cannot receive what you cannot give. So when you give appreciation to others, not just verbally but when you are sincere in it, you must receive it back; it is as precise as the law of gravity.  

When we compete by law we receive more competition- this law of Physics is applicable not only limited to one thing but it is true for every sphere in our life.

With all prayers for your prosperity and success.

Sonya. (Day 293)


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