Like a child

Playing with children is one of the most charming activity, revitalizing every cell in your body and today I had one such ecstatic experience. Its been a long time since I had this experience, I played hide and seek with this amazing little girl at home Sana. I started with doing the counting so she can hide but with some cheating I found her in few seconds, then it was decided that I shall not find her the next time. We played for quite some time and every time she won, of course. When our game ended she was thrilled and happy to beat me in every round and her joy filled laughter was priceless.

As a child I could never understand why my adults got so easily tired within few minutes into the game but today I finally get it. A child has abundant energy because there is no stress, no anxiety and definitely there is no thinking so you are always enjoying every bit of life with full energy.

When you are a child there is just this present moment for you, there is no past for you and the future doesn’t exist. The present moment is always peaceful, however, as you grow up so grows your mind with its thoughts and its attachment to the past and obsession of the future. As an adult we are always thinking; thinking about what we have to do, what was done to us, who annoyed us or whom we annoyed- in a way mind takes over us. 

When in real sense the past has no physical presence, it is only in your mind and your constant thoughts about it keeps it energized. As for the future, where is it, has anyone seen it? The answer is no. Future is only the extension of this moment.

So do we not plan about future? Yes you do plan for the future you do savings, you invest wisely, you take of your health but is there any point in being anxious for the future. If you can take any action then do it if you cannot then put it in the Hands of God and be in grateful for all His Blessings. 

This is the simple truth of life and the people who gets it achieves the essence of their existence. 

Someone rightly said, “it is so simple to be happy but it is so difficult to be simple”. 

With prayers of laughter and joy for you.

Sonya. (Day 290)


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