Happy Hours

Daily I wake up to the cock-a-doodle-do of my neighbor’s rooster followed by the clucking of three hens which are probably his wives, earlier the neighbors took the fancy of having ducks as well so you add quacking to the cock a doodle do (unfortunately dear ducks became the dinner of some goonda cat). Then few minutes later comes the gentle chirping of the birds along with the cuckoo of Koel and suddenly a sense of serenity enters my being. 

It feels as if I am not living in the hustle & bustle of a cosmopolitan city but at a farm house somewhere in the countryside; it is both amusing and peaceful to have nature so close by. 

Although rooster/ hens are the fascination of our neighbors but their breakfast and brunch is for some reason is the responsibility of the trees and shrubbery which we have in our boundary. So every morning as uninvited guests this rooster family enters our plants to have their favorite worm food at the cost of muddling the tree roots.

The Rooster family shares a bit of hostility with my Mom who dearly looks after all the trees. As soon as they see her approaching them Mr. Rooster raises his alarms and his obedient wives follow him, and within moments the entire Rooster family vanishes into thin air.

These days nature has become main attraction for me trees, flowers, greenery occupy most of my thoughts and time. Just sitting for few minutes with nature in your surrounding and you begin to feel a strange connection with all that there is.

However, human interaction is also an important ingredient of life. So it was decided to meet up with some acquaintances, although we met after a long time but it was a pleasurable experience. You talk, gossip, share old stories and update each other on the latest happenings of life and especially when ladies get down to the business of talking hours easily turn into minutes.

With many wishes for happy hours to you as well....

Have a wonderful evening my dears!

Sonya. (Day 291)


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