
After waiting for quite some time I decided to go for the renewal of my driving licence, the wait was not deliberate though but things just came in the way and the renewal got delayed. However on reaching the nearest branch I found out that they were not authorized to renew my licence because the earlier license was made in another branch. So I was back to square one and now I have to go to my designated branch.

I must say that the people who work in this or any other government office deserve standing ovation. It was 85 degrees outside humidity was at its peak and the entire staff was sitting without any fan except for couple of officers. It was a large room with hardly any ventilation; walls were dusty with cobwebs and the electrical wiring loosely hanging all over the roof. The wooden furniture which was used by the staff was made some 150 years ago. In the main hall there were stacks of records and documentation which were lying in one corner.   

Like many people I was there for hardly 20 minutes yet that scorching heat and humidity was melting my brain. I thought to myself I will leave this office but these people who are employed there, who come there every morning spend entire day working on such an important job- how do they feel.  What goes in there minds and doesn’t this environment negatively affect their work efficiency, yet they all were helpful to the best possible level.

Unfortunately this condition is not limited to licence branch but is a common situation of all public offices. The people in these offices do crucial work and if the right atmosphere and basic facilities are not provided then we should not blame them.   

However, rest of the day went peacefully and in rather lite weather. Soon I shall gather the strength to do some sort of exercise most preferred is brisk walking. Lately I have become too lazy. First I have the excuse that I haven’t eaten anything so I feel weak, later I justify my indolence by saying that I have just taken my meal so walk is not possible. Then there begins the chain of excuses which would include some silly ones that even a five year old would do better at.

There is also another side of the picture and that is, I have been doing my best to shed few pounds but the more I try the more stubborn becomes my weighing machine, which just loves to stay at the higher end of the weight numbers. So one looses inspiration to work hard and then you say to yourself, what the hell I’ll eat whatever I want!

Whatsoever might be the situation I must not allow myself to fall down the hill, I have a gut feeling that this is a make or break situation for me. If the same trend of lethargy and excuses continued then nobody can stop from becoming a Cow.

I have heard some authentic fitness trainers saying that when we are doing exercise we should avoid seeing weight machines. In fact we should avoid seeing weight machines at all times because when we begin to loose fat the machines cannot show that reading. It is only after we have lost significant weight, machine scale would move down a few digits and that too would not be a correct reading. So it can be presumed that weight machine is not your friend.

There are some who would watch there weight every day even every hour when they are taking care of their diet. I have to tell them the hard truth that the up and down of five pounds daily doesn’t mean anything.

The best measure of weight reduction is your clothes if they are getting loose then your efforts are definitely paying off. If you can fit in your old clothes then there is nothing more wonderful than that. In this respect I have to admit that I have been successful as I am able to fit in some of my older clothing. So there is definitely light at the end of the tunnel.

With all my best wishes for myself and you all.

Sonya. (Day 295)


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