Instant relief

These past of couple of days my post titles sound more like the tag lines from mobile and balm advertisement rather than blog titles.

There, finally after a lot of pondering for months I changed the blog design. I wanted to do this for a long time but instead of doing anything about it I just thought and thought and today without even giving it a second thought I abruptly altered the look. Do give me your input about this new avatar I'd love to hear from you. 

This is what happens when we waste our precious time in unnecessary hesitation and apprehension. If you know what you want, if the opportunity presents itself, if there is a strong gut feeling; then don’t think, don’t doubt, don’t second guess- just go for it!

Probably the quarter of the anti-allergic that I took last night to relieve my flu did the trick. Due to that tiny amount which I took hours before, I am still walking around like a zombie. I cannot think clearly, I want to sleep but simply am unable to.

This is becoming a common practice these days, to take ponstans /panadols/ nerve relaxants to immediately relief yourself from the exhaustion you had in the day; or to resort to sleeping pills when you can’t sleep.  One thing I have learnt from this scenario is that it is unwise to sedate and suppress your immune system when it has the potential to take care of you beautifully.

Our body has inherent tendency to repair and re-energize itself but we need to give it some time. Unfortunately today we are prone to acquire immediate gratification. My flu was only beginning and I took the anti-allergic. It’s like when the well-trained army is all set to protect the country and in the nick of the time you sedate it.

Well for me, I am taking this important lesson that from now on I will trust my internal healing ability. (Please do not misunderstand me when I talk about medicine like this, what I am against is self-medication that is without the consultation of your doctor. However, if you are prescribed a particular drug for your ailment it is best you follow the directions of your doctor.)

So nice to write and have you all on the new blog page.

A Very Good Evening To All.

Sonya. (Day 292)


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