My Childhood Garden

my childhood garden
lush and green
it was so happy it made me scream
my joy and hopes
and all my mopes
my childhood garden

my childhood garden
with the ups and downs
when I jumped I could not touch the ground
with my purple pony's
it made it homey
my childhood garden

my childhood garden
flying high
with the little lies
the grass fine
up in the sky my kite
my childhood garden

my childhood garden
now in the past
I now know that it can never last
now as I get taller
it was different when I was smaller
my childhood garden  
..................   By Danielle Eager *

Now coming to the present - the city is becoming a concrete jungle, everywhere there is bombardment of high-rise towers, apartments, malls or shops but what we are beginning to lack are play grounds for children. There are very few grounds and the ones we have are ill-maintained. Fortunately the local government has made some wonderful parks but the actual grounds where children could play are not visible the way they should be.

If someone is fortunate to have house space or place in their apartments to play they have to be cautioned about the window glasses or wall paint. So the only option left for many children is to play on streets which is a dangerous alternative. Some nearby streets are comparatively safe, but even there cars and motor-bikes come from every possible direction and that to in the high speed.

Children have to play irrespective of the availability of any ground; it is instinctive in them. They have so much energy and to direct that energy towards their physical growth and strength is the responsibility of everyone who was a child or have children or is going to have children.

Yesterday I was passing from a very busy street where the children were as usual engrossed in playing cricket but as they take up their positions some bike or car come and they have to move aside.

I thought that this must so frustrating for them to break the flow of their game and their parents would also be worried about their safety. Yet they still allow children to play at such dangerous spots because there is no other option. I guess when you know that change is not possible your system becomes immune to what is.

Although this immunity helps us to cope with the challenges but it can also lead to unfeelingness, and if a human reaches that level of insensitivity the entire fabric of society is destroyed leading to barbarism.

So we need to wake up as a nation and go beyond our petty interests. If we cannot do anything then at least we can talk about it and spread the word and then definitely someone somewhere will listen…

With all my prayers…

Have a safe & wonderful weekend.

Sonya. (Day 296)

* (Title Courtesy Danielle Eager)
* (Source website:


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