In the company of the accomplished, you learn to accomplish too, or be
inspired to do it too.*
I liked this line and it inspired
me to begin today’s post. Yes its so true that the people around us have great
influence on us. One is not required to be in physical proximity but merely by
observing someone accomplished one could learn a lot. Probably that’s why when
anybody is learning to paint or draw they are asked to watch the work of the
artists before them and also the work of other people living in their times.
It has happened to me while I
thinking to write blog. I got interested in writing when one of my cousins
invited me to visit her blog, but when I wrote few paragraphs I realized that
writing is not my cup of tea. I thought I should better stick to writing
straightforward legal opinions and drafting of agreements as that was what I
learned to do.
A year elapsed after registering to Blogspot, I didn’t write single word and one day I saw Mr. Amitabh
Bachchan talking about his blog in some TV interview. Then the next day the
newspaper I picked up mentioned his blog. Every time I switched on TV there he
was asking the audience to visit his blog for in depth view of his films.
Being interested in films I
couldn’t resist the temptation of getting some film news, who’s new, who’s out,
what’s going on? Few days into reading his posts/articles I felt tingling
sensation in my brain. So I logged into my Blog Spot account and started to
write without even giving it a second thought.
If you read my initial posts you
could clearly see that I was writing in his style. Gradually I realized that
his age, profession and life experiences are too different from mine, his posts
reflect him.
On the other hand my posts should
be according to how I experience life, they should mirror me. Slowly I altered
my way of expression and the use of vocabulary; however, on occasions I do slip
into his way of writing.
I tried to read other bloggers
but could hardly relate to them or feel comfortable with them.
It is so wonderful to be inspired
by someone and then finding your quality. May be that’s why I couldn’t start
writing immediately, you cannot copy anybody. Unless you feel a certain
tingling sensation around your heart, also called joy or enthusiasm, for any
thing then there is no point in doing it.
It is strange that when I look
back I could not recollect a moment when I had that joyous feeling for law. In fact
the reason I chose to become a lawyer was because that as child I associated
law with power.
Trust me this is not the right
reason to select any profession; there should be zeal, joy, excitement but not
the aim to become powerful or strong.
On that note I take your leave.
Have a great day!
Sonya. (Day 314)
* From Amitabh Bachchan’s Blog “”