Day 9

Despite all our efforts for fast paced life, time has a proclivity to take the lead. With winter swiftly imminent days are becoming shorter and shorter. And it seem we are in a rut. My close friend Sadia’s little one Mustafa had some indisposition since last week. Till today I didn’t have any idea about his state; however, throughout this week there was this unvarying feeling to call her and I feel awful due to my laziness. Of course there wasn’t anything that I could have done for her but simply being there for her would have been nice. The good news is Mustafa is doing well now.

Delight is a natural outcome when something brilliant and extraordinary emerges from a small and simple idea. I have been a bit uneasy and needed a platform from where I would be able to catch the right train for my desired destination in life. Since last month I have been getting some new ideas about how to carry on with my life both professionally and personally, writing this blog was one of those many ideas. At first, when I tried to write something I did not have a faintest idea about getting started. I wrote something and it felt pseudo intellectual material not coming from my heart rather some essay originating from my mind. I had a serious question session with God and I asked Him if I don’t have the ability to write then why on earth He would give me this crazy idea. Please note that I’ve written only question session because I heard Dr. House, of House TV show, once saying that, “if you talk to God that’s spirituality but when God talks to you it’s psychosis”. Well jokes apart, I believe that God does talk to us, of course Gabriel does not stand on the road holding a board for us but God speaks to us in many ways. Sometimes its by way of a constant but subtle sensation in our hearts telling us either to do or not to do a certain thing; then we can also hear something in a conversation with someone, maybe our friend would take a name; and at times we can also see an indication as something written on a car, or hoarding; whatever might be the way but the Answer always come and in the language that’s understandable by us.

Something similar to this happened with me, about 10 days ago a subtle yet strong Voice inside me said, “Write”. The feeling was so strong and every bone, cell, and tissue in my body; my mind, my heart were all in agreement, thus this blog was born. I can never admit that I write poetically or literarily, but what I guarantee is that everything comes straight from my heart; good or bad, it does not matter anymore. Initially, Amma was concerned about my writing but she is always encouraging. Amma is a really good writer herself, she often write articles on skin diseases in newspapers, she is a dermatologist by the way. Although a doctor by profession she has deep knowledge regarding music and films as well. I can only say that I am truly blessed to be born as her daughter.

Until something new to say it is Adios Amigos…



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