Day 7

With so many technologies being introduced our lives have become a lot easier, some being good and some not so good depending on how we use them. I am by nature somewhat an old fashioned person I like to be loyal to the things that I have been used to for a long time; for instance, swapping VCR with DVD players was rather uncomfortable for me. Similarly, microwaves have taken every household by storm, but they cannot compete with the warming of food on regular stoves. All the flavors and hydration remain intact on stoves while microwaves do everything in few seconds but it somehow it fails to retain the basic moisture and essence. Initially due to their controversial nature microwave was forbidden in our home but with the arrival of some authentic researches like Engineering University in USA and Australia, I fail to recall their names; our health concerns were satisfied.

My Mami decided to change the setting of her room and few major decisions were taken in this regard, and I am glad that I was able to help her out. One of the agonizing event of the day is that one of our house staff member has taken a unexpected leave for 4-5 days. Everything becomes a lot easier to mange when she is around but without her life seems meaningless and dull and I pray that she returns soon….

And now I need to rest before this headache of my mine makes it impossible for me to sleep at all.

Until tomorrow I take leave…… With lots of Love…



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