Day 5 & 6

The Greatest, the most Compassionate everything begins and ends from Him, He is everywhere, He is all the Intelligence and He is in all and Is everything, and I am nothing. The I am sounds pompous and if there is two then the love is not pure. No duality should exist between the lover and the beloved.

Fridays and Saturdays are mostly exciting; however, Sundays are usually dull and long. I got up early which isn’t usually the case with me but I owe this early rising to one of my favorite TV show. Most of the time is spent usually taking care of chores. One of the most difficult of them is doing something for my own good i.e. exercise. Some days are high in energy and some are low. What is required is discipline and dedication. I prayed so much to get disciplined in this area of my life. After sometime I realized that both of these traits are not sent from heaven in some package rather these are the qualities which we are required to develop within ourselves, day by day. Which means to leave comforts of my warm bed in the early mornings for the sake of loosing 15 lbs.

When pain reaches a threshold the body becomes immune to it; thus, numbness ensues. Maybe that’s why we are able to move on with our lives when so much pain, agony, and destruction are all around us. Not a day passes by when Pakistani’s do not hear devastating news. Human life has become awfully inexpensive and easily destructible. There are numerous stories in Quran which tells us how a nation is destroyed when it fails to follow the very basic principles of humanity, compassion, honesty, and justice. Everyone seems to dissect, analyze, re-analyze the situation but I believe it is time to ask some deep questions and to do some real work. To keep Hope and Faith is something we are told to do since childhood one saying I hear over and over again is everything happens for some good. In difficult times when so much cruelty takes place it is not easy to maintain the high quality of faith. If nothing happens without the will of God, then why would He allow so much evil to be born and allow it to destroy the lives of innocent people who had nothing to do with the dishonesty or injustice or any inhumane acts? But then I heard someone saying that everything is known by it’s opposite. To appreciate light we must experience darkness, to appreciate comfort we must experience distress; thus, to appreciate good we must experience evil. A doctor would want someone to be ill so he would be able to practice his medical arts. Nevertheless, the doctor would not want the patient to remain sick forever because then the doctor would have to close down his practice. It is always easy to be hopeful in rosy times but the real challenge is to keep the hope, faith and prayers in hard time; it’s then the rubber meets the road.

I pray that I always maintain my faith and hope.




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