Getting started!!

Finally, my blog is born. The process of registering to blog site was a tedious one but the desire to express was far more acute. Three day celebrations of Eid-al-Adha, seekh kababs, lots of meaty dishes and an extended weekend have come to an end which means to get out of the cocoon of my home and face the real world.

Eid-al-Adha or the "Festival of Sacrifice" is celebrated to commemorate the willingness of Prophet Abraham (PBUH) to sacrifice and submit the most beloved person in his life, his son Prophet Ismail (PBUH) to the command of Allah. And as Prophet Ismail was about to be sacrificed a miracle happened and instead of him an animal was scarified.

So I really got fascinated by this idea of surrendering one’s most beloved thing to a Higher Power and then watch if a Miracle really occurs, in case of someone as insignificant as me..
I thought what if I apply the same principle and surrender my most beloved thing to the same Higher Power and see what happens. My most precious thing is my attachment to my thoughts and feelings, I love and get really stuck to whatever my mind is thinking which of course is usually negative thoughts, fears, day to day stress and so on. At that particular instance whatever I thought, I accepted it and then surrendered it to Him.

Eureka !!!!! Boy what I saw was really cool… my negative thought and the fear vanished into thin air. I felt high and my mind did not get any juice from that particular negative thought. I was free.

I can safely say that I, being a perennial pessimist did see a Miracle happening. So now I plan to do same with anything that upsets me…Ever…

Love to all........

Sonya. (Day 1)


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