Day 4

It is said, "that a way to a person’s heart is through his stomach”. If there is any iota of truth in this saying then I believe my highway is overloaded with heavy traffic. Since Eid I have been continuously eating meat in one form or another,الحمد لله. Yesterday, it was a barbeque party given by my adored 18 year old cousin Nabeel who argued that his accomplishments should be highly recognized and mentioned in my blog. Jokes apart, I must say that he did a pretty splendid job and the food was really mouthwatering. It is strange to see how guys are excited about the concept of barbeque which I personally deem an extremely laborious activity. I have seen and heard about quite a few gentlemen who get some kind of pleasure in all this exercise. I was watching somewhere that this inclination in men to do barbeque is a legacy of the cavemen from the stone-age where males were responsible for creating heat from stones to protect their female and children from cold weather and women were inside the caves taking care of the food and children. If this theory is true then it’s astonishing that we have mentally conditioned behavior patterns of million of years.

Today my mom cooked some really delicious Haleem (gravy with a combination of spices and grains), she cooks splendidly and I can safely give her the honor of head chef. Every lady in my family cooks rather well and when ever compliments are given the association of the quality of food with my ancestral origin land Delhi, India is hardly ever missed.

I wonder as to why even after 6o years of migration from India majority of Karachites still deeply associate themselves with familial origins in a different country when most of them are either born or brought up in Karachi. This can be best explained in the words of an esteemed Urdu author Mushtaq Yousufi Saheb, “attachment of migrated Karachites with the land of their ancestral origin is similar to the attachment of an old person whose Youth has passed away, and under any circumstance, shall never return.”

With lots of love and blessings.....



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