Day 20

25th and 27th December holds very special spot in my heart, these are the birth dates of not only a great man called Quaid-e-Azam Muhammad Ali Jinnah who with the grace of God made possible for us Pakistanis to have this beautiful and magnificent country brimful with natural resources, perfect 4 seasons, gems and so on; where we can exist in freedom. How far as a nation are we successful to realize our founder’s dream and the hundreds of thousands of unnamed heroes who sacrificed their lives to give us, their future generations a gift of independence; is debatable. But I think what is required from each one of us is to have a vision intention and the absolute willingness to see prosperity, education, safety, health and freedom of expression blossoming in Pakistan. All that is required from us is to sincerely and honestly carry out our functions in whatever capacity they are assigned to us , be it of a politician, a doctor, a technician, lawyer, teacher, student or a parent.

Then 25th is also the birthday of my Mamoo, a loving and caring person, and on 27th it’s Adeel’s birthday his son and my baby cousin. However, Adeel is not really excited about the idea of referring him as the baby which of course is only fair since he will turn 15 this year, MashaAllah. Since he is the youngest family member in our house therefore this title would remain attached with him even when he would be 60, InshaAllah.

Due to Muharram there wouldn’t be any hoopla but then birthdays are not usually a big affair in my family. A simple cake cutting ceremony accompanied by gifts, mostly for both the kids, then finally dinner.

The scale of celebration is always secondary to the joy of being close and connected to our loved ones.

A prayer for love and peace to all…..



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