Day 10

It is disappointing to witness how our children are drifting away from Urdu and even being proud of their inability to understand their very own language. Children are innocent thus they could not be held responsible, they do not comprehend consequences for their actions, it is moral obligation of the parents and teachers to guide them. I am not anti English language; indeed, I believe it’s an asset to be able to read, speak and write other languages. Japan, China, Norway and so many other countries who know only their native languages are all successful and prospering nations. Nevertheless, the link to what we see today is merely fruit of the seed disseminated during the British Colonial Rule. Unfortunately, it has left an indelible mark on the psyches of several generations that were born even after hundred of years.

I do understand that it is easy to comment on others because I am not a parent yet; thus, I might not be able to fully feel the pressure that parents go through. It is understandable that in order to get admittance in any good school fluency in English is mandatory and I am not underestimating the merits of the matter, but we must recognize that we as parents also have a mammoth responsibility of not projecting our own complexes and predilections on to our children. It would take a lot of maturing and discernment on our part as well. We need to understand that all the languages are to be respected and that the dignity of any language should not be reduced to some meager level of merely a school entry language or a status symbol. If at this point we failed to teach our children to be content with their identity we would be held directly accountable in breeding a generation who would look on to external and false sources to validate them.

A Very Good Evening....


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