Day 16

Emptiness… where does it lead, what it does? I have no clue. Yes that’s very true today I’m empty of thoughts, feelings and ideas. May be its because I have spewed my thoughts yesterday. I do, however believe that it sounded a bit melancholic and it’s not prudent to speak aloud whatever is going in our mind. But at times one does get sensitive.

Sunday has been full of activity mainly due to fixing of all the doors in the house. Luckily we had some really professional carpenters who did everything just as Amma planned. I didn’t have much to contribute so I stayed within constraints of my own world.

It is always to delightful to find something that you have desired so intensely, likewise I believe my search for an institute to learn guitar is finally reaching end, after sifting very few available options I have found one place where I would be able to learn music. Although I haven’t discovered my talent yet but the urge to learn is imbedded deep inside. I have faith that with conviction and perseverance anything is possible. So let’s see how it goes. It has been a long day and requires me to call an early night.

Good night!!!



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