Day 19

Faces, many faces that came and went from my life, some of them made guest appearances while others decided to stay for the long haul. In the solitude and stillness of night when everyone is asleep and the road outside my home have swathed itself with the drapes of quietude. I cannot but cease to think of all the people that I ever had the opportunity to be with, some being my childhood pals, others from school/ college/ university and many others that I have worked with.

Time is a fantastic sieve of relationships and has an amazing characteristic of filtering people from and into our lives. For some reason we possess a tendency to forget some faces and remember others while some leave indelible mark on our minds. I cannot rationalize this theory but we do become subconsciously connected with some individuals. They teach us a lot about our self, mostly unintentionally; they prove to be beneficial for our existence, they become our Buddha experience. It’s as if they are assigned the task to bring into spotlight all the hidden aspects, the comfort zones, the excuses, the weakness behind which we like to hide. And then they disappear as if they have never existed. Perhaps they were not suppose to stay forever and the sole reason of their manifestation was to awaken us from the deep sleep; to unveil the veiled aspects of our being.

Then there are the ones who stick with us through thick and thin, they are with us when we cry and when we laugh, when we look our best and when we look our worst. Their happiness and well being become your utmost priority and you cannot help but love them. These are the precious gems that I guard with my life.

I am grateful and humbled and blessed by the Almighty Rehman who choose me to experience both these categories of people in my life and to go through whatever I went through. Thus whatever I am to day and wherever I stand in my meager existence I owe it to all those beautiful people that I have ever come across.

With much love!!!



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