
It has been quite a while since I actually sat down to watch any movie, mostly I loose my concentration within thirty minutes into the film, especially the latest ones. With so much technical advancement and heavy budgets, the quality and spirit of the film is lost somewhere in the glitz and glamour. The songs which are being produced these days are hardly remembered for more than 3 days and if slightly better then they might last in our memories for a week but no sir not more than that.

Even though there is bombardment of new faces yet most of us are still clinging on to the earlier superstars as nobody new seems to make that charismatic impact; I can’t say if this is the case with me only or if anyone of you is experiencing the same predicament.

I wonder what type of people would like to work in show business which to me is one of the most unstable and unsecured profession of all. If you make it big and reach the top slot then only you would be able to get big bucks otherwise the income as well as fame becomes quite unpredictable. Or if you are at the top and you get few flops then too you are washed out from the surface and nobody has to do anything with you. If one’s movie is about to release then they would want it to make it big and if it bombs at the box office then its another tragedy to overcome all together.

With so much uncertainties associated with show business it is not a place for faint-hearted and only the people who dare enough and are enormously passionate about this form of creativity could endure such emotional roller-coaster rides on daily basis. I suppose this is the case with all the professions or as a matter for anything in life, one has to be honest and passionate-crazy about it and then only one would destine himself/herself to achieve any kind of success. Success is not merely confined to fame and fortune but it goes much beyond. The inner peace and joy are primary signs of any success whether in the professional life or in personal life- the sincerity, the enthusiasm like an arrow reaching its target, the joy, the peace and finally the contentment of being of any service to others are the necessary ingredients to manufacture a compact recipe of true and ever lasting success and then money and name would follow inevitably.

Movies are such a favourite topic for me that I could talk about them endlessly but I must consider all of you as well.

So all of you a very Good Night and all the loved ones on the other side of the globe a very Good Morning.


Sonya. (Day 126)


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