My Life Class

Day started with a bit of chaos and some worrying news about one of our friend’s health. At home we all pray that the crisis which has befallen our dear friend soon transforms into peace, health and prosperity. It is in these moments when we could truly experience our infinite love and bonding with each other. One just wish to have a magic wand and everything to change as one desires, but no problem we have prayers which always create a miraculous effect and all one has to do is to hold on. And “this too shall pass”….

Many apologies for I might not be in the high sprits today. One moment all seems to be perfect and the next moment everything changes with a blink of an eye. So I have learned one lesson that do whatever you need to do now, call the person you want to talk to, meet and mend your relations, do not wait for tomorrow when you believe the right moment will come. The right moment is here, now and not tomorrow or day after tomorrow. Live your life fully in the now.

Hope, fear and anxiety always befall on us when we think of our future. If what we think is positive then we radiate hope and if there is possible negativity in future we become paralyzed by the mere thought of it. It is such an irony that we humans hang between our pains or traumas of the past and hope or anxiety about the future; nevertheless, we never live in the present moment. To mind the present moment is not important, so it keeps us dragging along with it like a wild river.

In this immediate moment when I am here and you are reading this post, I ask -do you have any problem right now? No...There is silence because in this very moment its only space.

The problem begins when our mind tells us stories regarding our past or future. As if it is afflicted to stay away from the Now. 

Everything happens in the Now, can you actually see the past. Well of course not, because the past is only in our minds. Who has seen the future- well no one, future is only in our thoughts, in our mind created reality.

If all is going well then our mind tells us not to worry and everything will be ok in the future. Simultaneously it also tells us that nothing is well and our future is going rot, thus creating anxiety. What we fail to understand that the future is not something separate from our today but it is only an extension of our present moment. Our relationship with this moment determines our future.

Like if you are launching a new project or a product in the market or inventing something new it is how you behaved during that making or inventing which would determine the success or failure of your work. If you were angry or upset and made everyone’s life around you a living misery then your invention/project/product will be infused with that negative energy-Regardless of how useful your product/invention is, it will not prosper.

I have learned this lesson the hard way, when I was about begin my law practice in 2008 I kept a diary with me. I used to write how I felt and my daily routine in it. When last year I opened one of my diaries I was shocked to read that how negative, anxious and angry I was before starting my law work. It was even shocking to see that whatever I wrote in that negative state of mind from 2006 to 2008 everything happened in my life exactly how I wrote it. In 2006 I created my future for 2009 by my thoughts and reaped the results. Yes, you actually become what you believe.

That day I felt as if I was hit by lightening, it was my wake up call. I decided right then, that I cannot live like this and there is something wrong. As if I woke up while I was awake. From that point on my life changed. In 2009 my career, my personal life fell down right in front of me, all my prayers not only went unheard but what I prayed for was taken away from me.

And now I get it! The old, negative and decayed structures needed to fall down to create a space. A space where I can be given new, strong and a wonderful foundation. I realized that I was not asking for too much but I was asking for too little.

We desperately run after career, money, family, ideal partners only to get happiness and peace. So why not pursue for peace and joy first and then whoever or whatever will be on the frequency of our true joy and peace will automatically come to us, effortlessly.

This what I have learned in my life class.

Sonya. (Day 221)


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