Day 216

All is done in due time and at last I’m free to be with myself and especially to sit quietly in my room and have a chat with you. It has been a long day, I have been up early and then one thing after and another. 

They were showing on cable The Revenge of Pink Panther, I couldn’t see all of it but the bits of the movie were definitely entertainingly funny. I saw its earlier part, cannot remember the recall name though, but that was hilarious. There is also a remake of Pink Panther, in Part 2 of the new version Hollywood added Aishwarya Rai to the cast and I have heard that they shorten her role considerably.

This is what happens with bigger film Industry although they take actors from other countries for variety yet they hardly ever highlight their roles. 

So what happened in my day…well nothing much really I was working like crazy on some of my legal & miscellaneous work. It is wonderful to be busy; it keeps the body and mind in a healthy and working condition.

And yes who can forget the infamous power shutdowns we lovingly call load-shedding in our local lingo. Today was better than yesterday, we had electricity for 10 minutes which was followed by the power breakdown of 2 hours. You start the electric appliances and kaboossh! Lights go off, everything just stops.

With all that happening I am still deeply grateful that in this moment we have electricity and I am able to write my post. We need to carefully look for all the blessings we have, be grateful and highlight these teeny tiny happy moments. This is the essence of life.

Good Night for today and sweet dreams……..

Sonya. (Day 216)


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