At sixes and sevens

Just had a very late lunch/ supper/ dinner and I have to say that life seems to be more meaningful after the meal. It is an enormous blessing to get food immediately as you need it. Think of it when you are hungry and there is nothing for you to eat, entire body becomes sluggish, sugar level goes down and there is no ability to think or to do whatsoever.

It is strange that apparently minor things like a bar of fresh soap, a new shampoo which we take for granted means so much to us, just imagine living without them for a day. We have some kind of strange zoom lens fitted in our eyes which forgoes the immediate significant things available to us and only focus on the stuff that is out of our range.  

For some reason I am struggling to write today probably the mind is working on so many different directions that to concentrate on one thing is hard. Or may be I have so much to say that expression is beyond my writing capacity.

After a while I had some nice deep sleep so waking up in the morning is hugely refreshing. Certain questions take most of my attention these days, questions which I asked myself and the questions others had for me. The matter is that once I received all the answers I am not satisfied with them because they are not according to my wishes. So once again I have few more puzzles to solve.

Puzzled yes- I am really puzzled; and that's why the above title for today's post. My mind has taken two different stances one is going north and the other south. I adjust myself with one situation and then I have something new to adjust to. My problem is that I cannot leave things as they are, I have to analyze and dissect everything. I need definite answers, I need some explanations but I am also aware that it is not always possible to see everything in black and white as there are some grey areas as well. 

This is my state and so shall it remain for a while. And that’s that on this subject, I shall not confuse you any longer.

So it is back to the real life and back to business as usual. Fridays are mostly dull and lethargic for me, from the morning its all delayed and by the evening it gets more lazy. But then comes hope with Saturdays, it all seems new and I have the vigor to return to life.

With vigor and zest for tomorrow…

Sonya. (Day 306)


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