Food, food & food…

There are times when I have the most interesting relationship with food, from the instances where I eat to live and other when I live to eat. These days latter situation is prevalent and I am going out of my way to eat all that I enjoy, some of which includes deep fried food, biryani and so on. The problem is that when I am having all those sort of food I eat believing that I have a tanker rather than a regular sized stomach and my main aim is to fill it to the fullest. Plus there isn’t any kind of exercise currently in my life, so I need all your prayers to come out of the my latest obsession with food.

This is not the first time that I am facing such situation but it has been my pattern for quite some time. In my early childhood we didn’t have the kind of health awareness that today’s kids and parents have. I used to drink crate (with 24 bottles) of cola in just three days and my favourite chips were full of tartar. God knows what that crap had done to my system.

The Gentleman who owned the grocery store from whom I used to buy chips and cola on regular basis complained to my mom about my unhealthy munching habits. As this was done without my mom having any idea about it, under the loving supervision of my late Grandmother.

My Grandmother belonged to the era where if a person was slim it was considered that the person belonged to under privileged class. So, the more healthy (read fat) you are the more prosperous you are. She didn’t knew what tartar meant or the side effects of cola all she knew that her granddaughter should have all the things she love.

Thankfully I never became obese because the health conscious side of my mom always had prominence in my life. My mom was very careful that I don’t develop sweet tooth let alone have unhealthy lifestyle. However sometimes you want to rebel from being the conscious and careful person; ironically the person who gets most affected by such revolt is no one but me.

Tomorrow I shall be experimenting with some new things, lets see if I have the talent or skill to do justice with the tasks I have taken on myself.

A very Good Evening to all.

Sonya. (Day 309)


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