Spirituality, no big deal..

I remembered seeing a TV play called “Lahasil” (Vain, Futile) and how much we all loved it. It was about the struggles and spiritual journey of a woman who changed her faith to Islam. The story, screenplay & actors were simply brilliant. However, for some reason today I find it all a bit in accurate. Not only in this play but in many other TV dramas, films, novels they show that the people who are deeply spiritual and have intense love and faith of God are always sick, broke and in misery. It somehow gives impression that to be near God one has to be in misery. It is always considered that the people who perform hard labor and live on streets sleep peacefully at night because they are not rich.

Similarly you must have observed that in books, dramas & films the person who is rich is evil, he doesn’t have peace of mind or health. He only became rich because he cheated someone or smuggled illegal stuff and he has no feelings for others. So much so that this concept has taken a personality of its own and the people who are rich and successful somehow also believe that by becoming rich they have committed a wrong. 

I don’t get it really. What all these things are telling us is that God doesn’t want you to be prosperous or healthy and He wants to test you and keep you stuck in misery where all your relations suck.

Well my dears that is the most deranged and ridiculous concept about spirituality or peace. God under all circumstances wants us to be happy and at peace. True prosperity contains abundance health, loving relationships and to be close to God you don’t have be sick and broke. 

To be happy and prosperous is everyone’s right. That’s the problem with us we are afraid to pray for great things and to have magnificent life. Humans are supposed to utilize their skills and gifts to achieve the very best in life, the only requisite is that you don’t loose yourself in the material things. Money is a way to get us what we want but it’s not the end. If you want a prosperous life, you need to be deeply grateful for what you have.

People work hard all their lives to become rich so that they can be happy. The real deal is that you become happy first with what you have Now and then everything which matches your happy frequency shall automatically come to you. It is always like this and never the other way around.

So how can I be happy if I don’t have what I want be it money or health or anything else. The answer is, first you get clear about exactly what you really want and pray for that. Second believe that you have already received your desire. The best way to have the faith and believe is to be extremely Grateful for what ever you have Now. If you don’t have the health you desire then be Grateful for all the times in past when you had health and felt your best.

The other thing that you can do to feel good about money is to be really happy for the money and success of others. How did they acquire wealth is none of your business you don’t have the authority to judge someone, except if you are in Income Tax Department.

The moment you are jealous of someone’s prosperity you have disconnected yourself from the frequency of receiveing goodness. So be truly happy for others and say Gratitude for their abundance like you would say for yourself and see the brilliance of gratitude. Remember Newton’s law “to every action there is always an equal and opposite reaction”

We have to look minutely for anything that we can be grateful for, there will be something we can find. Or if you need to really work with the miracle of Gratitude and see how you can instantly change how you feel about life, then the book “The Magic” by Rhonda Byrne is sure to get you there.

Spirituality or the connection with God is not the privilege of some exceptional people but it’s a gift for all of us. What is actually spirituality? It is only to get out of your thinking mind, your bondage from emotions, your past pain and future fears; and as you realize this layers of thoughts will began to leave you. As these will remove you will find peace and immediate connection with the Higher Power. You don’t have to find God or peace because He has always been with you, its just us who forgot this connection.

That’s spirituality, no big deal!

May you have all the love and peace..

Sonya. (Day 308)


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