
Boredom is a peculiar phenomenon, you don’t understand its cause and you don’t know how to get over it. Since Saturday I was bored to the death, I went out in open air to breathe some fresh air of the sea and it was a pleasant experience. On our way home on Saturday suddenly it became dark and windy as if the sky was sharing my sentiments. I have tried to capture those moments.


In the pictures below where you see golden dots, this is actually the dust in the air and everything was covered with it.

Then again on Sunday same state took over me and once again I went for outing. However, this time instead of getting better I felt far more down and in the moment I realized that irrespective of where you run you cannot run away from yourself and your mind.   
As long as we remain in the same mental-state no matter where we go; even the most beautiful place on the planet could only keep us happy for brief time. Why? Because our body can go to different locations but our mind always remain stuck at one point. It is our clinging to particular thoughts that cause misery and not any situation, people or place. If you decide to be unhappy or bored then nothing on this earth can make you happy or satisfied.

If you travel to other city or some foreign country the moment you land there you feel fresh and relaxed. This is only because your mind instead of thinking about the same old stuff begins to explore new things. Consequently the normal mind chatter/ thinking stops and certain peace take over you. However, as soon as you reach the boundary of your country or city you begin to fell depressed or anxious mainly because there is nothing new for your mind to engage with, hence old thoughts along with old emotions return.
Plus I have couple of strong reasons to feel gloomy, one being that my best friend is leaving soon for Canada for a year. So of course this is the main reason for such discomfort, although I have happily accepted her going abroad but at the back of my mind it is pricking me. There are times when we don’t talk for weeks or see each other for months yet the thought of her going so far is not easy to digest. Nevertheless, I have to give her all the courage and support so her journey could become easy.

As I am writing this I am already feeling better. I should always try to make it to the blog but sometimes with work and all I really get tired and even opening the computer takes great effort.

Good Evening....
Sonya. (Day 307)


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