Cause and effect?

What a day it is when you didn’t do anything significant, when its all same old same old. From the worldly perspective it is considered a boring dull day but from the metaphysical view it is termed as a peaceful day. So today I don’t have any endeavor to talk about except the interview of our respected Prime Minister which he gave to CNN recently. My goodness it was as embarrassing as it could be possible. This is really how the world perceives us a nation, a bunch of dumb slaves.

While I was a child I always felt proud of my roots to this country, whenever there was celebration of our independence day I felt myself imbibed in pride. Nevertheless, as I grew up, the illusion or dream state began to shatter piece by piece. The tragedy is that this country has immense potential some of the most astounding natural resources as well as human resources. Every field of work is rich with talented people but it hurts to witness that there is nobody until now who has the capability to utilize this magnificent potential.  

Every month I hear some talented doctor leaving the country and it feels as if a mild dagger has been put across the heart. Most of the people I know either left the country or our about to migrate and every time it hurts, rather badly. Probably if I have the courage I would leave as well but I am weak. This country has given me best of education, a respectable life style, and my values so the love I have for it is beyond any words.

Where do we go wrong? Do we make unwise choices? Or do we not even think before we vote? Why only the corrupt elite rule us, or is it that there is some sort of corruption in us as well that we always keep attracting so much negativity? Throughout the history in all religious scriptures it has been said that the rulers are the reflection of their people.

We like to break traffic signals as a matter of pride, we wrongly enter one-way road with obstinacy and then we want the rule of law. How can you get something that you are not willing to give. This is just one example of our audacity and there are million other examples of this sort. It’s a two-way process you can never get what you are unable to give.

Few years ago we had a driver who always broke traffic-signals and whenever he got the chance he would not only dangerously over-take other cars but also out-of-the-turn take someone else’s parking space while they adjusted their cars to park. As he continued with his habits I noticed that he was also abused in the same manner by other drivers. Then he would be all frustrated to see what everybody did to him. As I continued to notice this action-reaction one day I decided to do an experiment.

So I decided that for few days I will over-take every other car to the point of harassing other drivers. Remaining safe, I will also break signals and I will take anybody’s parking space out of turn. As expected exactly same things began to happen to me, my car was over-taken rather harshly and I never got a single parking for weeks.

This done, I then decided to do the opposite for few days. So I began to respect each and every signal even if I was the only person on the road. I stopped over-taking and gave every one the right to move. I patiently waited for others to get their parking spaces. For few days nothing significant happened except that nobody over took my car.

Until one hot afternoon in May, as the schools were getting off, people were rushing after lunch hour and I was on small two-way street. As far as I could see there were 20 to 40 cars jam-packed on both sides of the road. In that condition not only that I had to reverse my car but also had to take a u-turn. I had a 1300cc car so I needed some space to reverse it. It was so hot that it felt as if the brain might melt and in that kind of weather you cannot expect other drivers to be cooperative. And then something miraculous happened.

As I slowly began to reverse my car to make a u-turn and enter the other side of the road, I saw that all those 20-30 cars from both sides started to gradually move back giving me more than enough space. It seemed as some invisible hands are slowly moving back all the cars on both sides of the road. It took me several minutes to reverse, make u-turn and make it to the other side and all that time I didn’t hear single horn.

In that moment I realized that there is a God and He has some very definite laws through which He operates us. I couldn’t name it then but I knew that I had tapped into some Divinity. Now so many years after, I know that this law is called the law of attraction or the law of cause and effect. Newton’s third law of motion “For every action, there is an equal and opposite reaction” is the same principle.

Since that day every time I do something, I think about its impact on others and whether it is in alignment to God’s law. Because if I am not in alignment with God in my actions then I clearly know what to expect as the consequence.

With all my affections…

Sonya. (Day 305)


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