Day 302

What a day I had it was traveling and more traveling but it is great that some really important work has been taken care of. When I came home I thought I couldn’t move but here I am all set to chat with you all.

First and foremost I thank you all on the blog and on facebook for giving your warm responses on the birthday pictures.

There have been some challenging moments when my gratitude was put to test, however; at the end of it all finally it seems life is making some sense.

Throughout my life I have adhered to praying and saying Thank You God routinely, probably because that was the way I was brought up. Like many others I too followed the same method, yet I always failed to comprehend the true essence of prayers or the power of gratitude. We practice gratitude but we hardly ever mean it, when we get something we desire we thank for it then few hours into it and we begin to take everything for granted. Or in most cases we only opt for gratitude when we get huge achievements.

Irrespective what is happening in my life I am learning to see the little gifts. There is a exercise in the book “The Magic” where if there is any negative situation in our life, then we have to write ten things for which we can be grateful- something, anything. I wondered what could be there in challenging situation to be grateful for but as I started to work on it, one by one things began to emerge. And by the end of the exercise I was actually feeling better.

The most important sign to see if your gratitude is working is how you feel. The better or liter you feel the powerfully gratitude is working for you. Of course in the midst of challenges it is difficult to feel good, it is fine to experience the pain but strangely certain space will be created around that pain- definitely decreasing its intensity.     

After a long day, I need to get some rest so Good Night!

Sonya. (Day 302)


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