Facebook Profile

God has been extremely Gracious to me and today our blog has completed 300 days. There is something amazing about having zero after numbers, the more the merrier.

For a while now I have been observing this and almost every time it proves correct. We all aware of the Facebook and the profile pictures that people upload (now the name profile is changed to timeline). I have seen that whatever kind of pictures people put on their profile is the reflection of their personality, current life and also their emotional state.

Recently I have uploaded the picture of my Dad with me and that was exactly what I was going through. I was thinking about my late father and I was in a state of nostalgia and my timeline showed that.

You see, all of the young mothers put the photograph of their little children. Why because their life is surrounded by their young ones – at this stage little children takes up almost their entire day, making motherhood an overwhelming experience.    

A young couple who is engaged or is happily married but don’t have children yet, their profile will be bombarded with photographs of each other. This is the romantic time and everything is beautiful for them.

Then we see married ladies whose children are grown ups; and this lot always has their own snaps as the profile picture. This is simply because their children can feed themselves, go out with friends or are busy with studies, so now they have time to look after themselves and enjoy life. These ladies are content with life.
In this group some might have profile picture of them with their husbands but this is rare because the intention of having their husbands with them is simply because they want to tell the world (especially the other women) that they still have serious claim over their hubbies; and no one should dear to mess with them..

If you see single girls who love to socialize, then theirs profiles will be all about college, friends, weddings & other social activities.

Similarly married men with little children would also have picture of their kids on the profile for the same reason as the mothers with young children. Their emotional lives are surrounded only by their little ones and their well being.

However, the married men with grown children would never have profile pictures with their wives, for…..…. reasons. If somebody in this category has profile photographs with their wives then they are frightened of their better-half and can’t dare to be alone even if that is facebook profile.

Now the people who are going through some rough time in their emotional lives you would see them in their profile pictures sitting at places like jungle parks, in front of autumn trees or other lonely places.
Some in this category would also have their pictures taken from a distance, with a slight forced smile, and the picture will be so hazy or in darkness that viewers would be unable to see their features or face expression clearly. This lot does not want the world to see their pain; however, due to some reason mostly professional they have to be visible.    
In some extreme cases they might not have their own profile pictures but will put photographs of lonely roads leading no where or dark skies or anything representing loneliness and disorientation.

Then there is a set of people who would not have any profile picture, which shows that they have no interest in any social activity. Most of them being married have made a tight circle around their lives and they prefer to live and breathe within that circle only.

Of course the people who enjoy food or arts or love adventure their profiles will exhibit their interests.

People who get bored easily or want new things in their lives to keep them excited would change their timeline/ profile photographs very quickly, mostly on a weekly basis. On the other hand people who are lazy like me would have the same profile photograph for months and months. They only change their picture when their friends and family begin to complain about it. Once I had the same profile picture for more than six months or probably a year, I changed it only when my cousin and friend protested that their eyes are bleeding with irritation by seeing the same photograph for ages. 

Disclaimer: The views, opinions, or observations expressed above are purely mine and only for humor purpose without any intention to hurt or annoy anybody.

Love to you all.

Sonya. (Day 300)


Naved Ahsan said…
Very interesting, sharp observations :)How about people who use mountains and desserts and oceans and even fruits as their profile pic ?? :) Some use cartoon characters, use some time on them also :) tc
Star said…
Well said... particularly in last paragraph..............:)
Sonya Syed said…
Thanks for adding that Naved, after writing yesterday's post I knew I missed out these..I hope to give some views on them today. TC
Sonya Syed said…
Thank you Star, I guess so many of us are in the same boat.....

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