Lazy Sunday

Around 12.30 in noon I was relaxing on the terrace taking in vitamin d or whatever it is supposed to give. The door bell rang and we had guests. At first I thought somebody came to give us a wedding invitation, suddenly it struck me that they would be coming upstairs to meet us. Oh Goodness I panicked because neither my drawing room nor was I in a presentable condition, in fact I looked more like an alien who has just walked out of the spaceship. So I rushed to do some emergency clean up for the room and then Adeel my youngest cousin who was still in his sleeping suit came rushing to me and said “woh log oper aarahe hain, run!!” (they are coming upstairs, run!).

It felt as if my hands have the speed of lightening. Thankfully everything including me was taken care of within 2 minutes. I changed from an alien to a human being and in all my calmness welcome our guests. Nobody could have guessed what I or this room looked few minutes ago.

The guests were our family friends and a lovely couple to know. During our conversation I appreciated Auntie’s shoes, they were striking. Anyways we all had a long chat and then goodbyes were said and next time of our meeting was settled. When Amma came up after seeing them off she brought those same shoes in a bag. Yes Auntie gifted me the shoes. It was embarrassing but I accepted them and thanked her.

Many years ago the same thing happened with my cousin, I liked her bangles and she immediately gave them to me. There are some families with this astonishing trait and I am scared of these people, they simply overwhelm one with their love and generosity.

I asked myself if I can do something like this and the answer wasn’t that easy.

Rest of the Sunday went peacefully. For most of the people Sundays are relaxing but to us at home it is sort of depressing because next day is work and routine oh but yes tomorrow has been declared a public holiday, so its another lazy day.

I believe if you follow some of your routine even on Sunday then it could be productive or at least less boring. Or simply wear new clothes or the ones which haven’t wore for quite some time. I have experienced that with new attire your mind gets rejuvenated as well; everything looks fresh and crisp.

And now I am off to the tender arms of sleep.

Good Night my dearests !

Sonya. (Day 228)


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