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Dr. Jackal & Mr. Hyde

It is a well known fact that inherent trait of carbohydrates is to relax our body and to make us prone to sleep or at least get a nap. However it is not the case with me today because as I was trying to rest some thoughts or more precisely some insights into human nature came to me full throttle and I am unable to rest until I provide them an outlet for expression. So here they are- I am going to keep the identities of the people that I will talk about anonymous because I am very fond of them and second they are very well-known public figures/celebrities of international repute.

However I shall name one of them as Mr. X and the other Ms. Y. Both Mr. X and Ms. Y have family ties but are not related by blood, Mr. X is quite fond of Ms. Y and whenever he gets an opportunity he expresses his fondness, admiration and respect towards her; in fact there are moments when he even ignores his own flesh & blood of such accolades. He is so much compassionate towards her that even if she gets a scratch he could declare a war to the world.

Ms. Y has worked meticulously for more than a decade to build her image her public persona and earn the stature that she enjoys today. Since she is a celebrity therefore she also developed a certain mystery and intrigue around her which is a mandatory characteristic for any celebrity and to achieve all this she has taken the help of high-end PR consultancy firms; something which is a norm nowadays with celebs. Now Mr. X is an elderly person and very kind and loving at heart. He is equally famous and well respected and nowadays he has his writings published regularly which are again pretty popular amongst the masses. I have seen in his work that he invariably thrashes the working of marketing/PR agencies and explains that in these modern times one doesn’t need to have any talent but only a good marketing firm which could turn any Tom Dick or Harry into a celebrity so to hell with real talent and hard work. He adds that he shall never succumb to such means because he still believes in hard work. Furthermore, whenever Ms. Y attends any international event adding more points to her high profile persona he quickly brings that particular event in his discussions and rip from it any intrigue or value which it was suppose to generate.

Unconsciously or subconsciously or consciously or any other ciously I cannot say but Mr. X sabotages every single effort of Ms. Y.

What does Mr.X's actions tell us, is he jealous of Ms. Y’s success or this is simply human nature in its raw form or is there some other psychological explanation for it.

Whatever the conclusion might be I must say that we all should always keep a close eye on ourselves, on our actions and our deeds so we do not sabotage someone in the disguise of loving them.

If any one of you could shed some light on this discussion and enlighten me as well.

So until next time I say ta-ta. Have a great & safe weekend.

My love to all.

Sonya. (Day 88/89)


Naved Ahsan said…
Hey my comment could not publish
Naved Ahsan said…
Blog owner's approval ?? what is tht

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